Friday, October 14, 2011

They're Still Fighting the DIRTY FUCKING HIPPIES After All These Years

It took the corporate media almost a month to start reporting on the protests going on around the country.  When the media did have anything on OccupyWallStreet, the comments I heard from most of the pundunce (that is the plural for pundit, ain't it??) were things like they need some deodorant(DIRTY), stop making love(FUCKING), and they need to get a job(HIPPIES).  That tells me they are still fighting the DIRTY FUCKING HIPPIES long after most of the hippies went mainstream and are now part of the establishment!!

Watch live streaming video from globalrevolution at

You do have to admire an idea or philosophy that has had the establishment shitting bricks for fifty years.  There has always been a small percentage of every generation that has believed in some of the ideals of the hippies.  The ideals have changed or evolved(no wonder conservatives hate them) thru the years.   Some of these ideals have been around longer than the hippies, if fact, that's part of what the Declaration of Independence was about in 1776.

Instead of reforming Wall Street or creating jobs they want to kill PBS and NPR and pass bills that oppress women.
The pundunce also have been saying they don't know what the protesters want.  The name OccupyWallStreet should have been a huge clue.  They want economic justice, they've seen Wall Street get bailed out while all the rest of the streets paid for it.  Instead of those who caused the financial mess being put in jail, they got multi-million dollar bonuses.  The pundunce also say the protesters hate capitalism, NO, THEY HATE THE OVERT FUCKING  GREED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Actually what they hate is called in economic terms "rent seeking" which is using your power to increase profits by means other than producing and marketing something useful that someone wants at a profit. Eg very favourable tax laws, environmental laws, labour laws, OHS laws, bail outs etc. This is not capitalism, this is sitting on your ass doing nothing while the people send you money because they have to.

  2. I did a post a long time ago titled the dirty fucking hippies were right..and they were and still are.

  3. Got some hippie in me, but at my age I'm now just a cheerleader, going to sit on the porch enjoying a few beers and taking pot shots at those going by to keep everyone alert.

  4. I was wearin a blue uniform at that time - and, didn't have a good opinion on the hippies - today, that is different. I have friends that never came out of it -long hair, weed, - at age 60 plus.
    Luv em.
    Times change and so do opinions.

    Older and wiser?
    Older, yeah.



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