Wednesday, January 6, 2010



  1. About six years ago after reading a Scott Adams book I figured that the internut was going to bring mankind together into a collective consciousness where we come to agreement on many things and problems on this insane rock.

    Thereby greatly reducing the problems on this rock. I'm no longer under that delusion, it's pretty clear to me that mankind is coming to a collective agreement of many things that causes problems here, like the stupid religions and a make believe father out there.

    There are all kinds of blogging sites, and now twitter, and Spacebook and Facebook, or whatever they are called. Hell, it's all Headspace sites is what it is.

    Few of us are getting over a hundred visits a day and we agree on so few of the important things. This isn't going to make a difference in things when we only get less than a hundred visits at what I consider to be some important posts and wisdom's.

    After all, there's about seven billion monkeys on this rock now and we're not making a dent in anything.

    Get right down to it, all we're doing is fucking around.

    And from all appearances, driving ourselves more insane, I intend on enjoying my insanity with some beer and camping.

    Mutter, mutter...

  2. Correction: "it's pretty clear to me that mankind is coming to a collective agreement of many things that causes problems here,"

    it's pretty clear to me that mankind isn't coming to a collective agreement of many things that causes problems here,

  3. BBC, hear, hear...I'll drink to that.

  4. every thing i see hear or say is fodder for a blog post.


No Anonymous comments,it's not that hard to think of a nom de plume.