This is Bimbo (pronounced beem-bo) bread. The other week The Old Lady bought a loaf of Bimbo at the local grocery store. The first time I saw bread by this company was at the carneceria across the street from our apartment in Hot-Lanta. It's a Mexican company with their corporate offices in this country in Horsham, PA. They also make Thomas' English Muffins. The Old Lady likes it because it's soft mushy bread like Wonder bread. I don't mind because it doesn't have High Fructose Corn Syrup. I've been trying to avoid HFSC for many years ever since I found out that shit ain't good for a body.
Saw something where they were interested in buying Hostess. They have access to cheaper Mexican sugar which would be a plus in making the junk food like Twinkies.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Sunday, November 25, 2012
A Kid Grows Up
Here he discovers boobs. He really was impressed with what he saw.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
It's Not Who Votes That Counts, It's Who Counts The Votes
Looks like Anonymous stopped the election from being stolen in 2012. According to their press release they installed firewalls in the FuckingRepublican's system designed to flip the votes in Ohio, Virginia, and Florida. That may be the reason Rove freaked out when they announced that Ohio had gone for Obama. Interesting that Ohio's election computer system crashed at the same time this election night as it did on election night in 2004. In 2004 when the system came back up aWol had the most votes even tho exit polls showed Kerry leading. I've thought that the election in 2004 was stolen in Ohio and it looks like that was the first run for hacking the system to flip the vote. This time they needed more and set it up for more states. But even with these three states RMoney would have come up short!!
One of the things I've worried about ever since they started using touch-screen voting machines with no paper trail is that someone could hack into the system and flip the vote to steal the election. Or just put in the votes they want to get the result they want.
There are articles in Salon,, and a number of others when I googled this. One of the hits that came up is the drudge report, but I didn't bother to look at it. I have never looked at that POS, and I don't intend to start now.
And this from
Monday, November 19, 2012
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Finally a Petition I'd Gladly Sign And It Got Pulled
Along with all the petitions to secede, there was one calling for everyone to have the opportunity to punch Grover Norquist in the dick.
“Peacefully grant the people of the United States of America to have Grover Norquist be brought forth in chains and put in a public pillory,” the petitioner wrote. “Once Grover Norquist has been secured, anyone who wishes will be allowed to punch him once, and only once, square in the dick.”
Raw Story (
But now you get this message: The petition you are trying to access has been removed from the site under our Moderation Policy because it is in violation of our Terms of Participation.
“Peacefully grant the people of the United States of America to have Grover Norquist be brought forth in chains and put in a public pillory,” the petitioner wrote. “Once Grover Norquist has been secured, anyone who wishes will be allowed to punch him once, and only once, square in the dick.”

But now you get this message: The petition you are trying to access has been removed from the site under our Moderation Policy because it is in violation of our Terms of Participation.
While you can't sign this petition, there may be other petitions on We the People on a similar issue that you'd like to add your name to. Or, you can create your own petition.
It also says if you try to create a duplicate or similar petition, it'll make it harder for you to get an official response.
Now, if anyone deserves such treatment, it is most definitely Grover Norquist!!
H/T to Crooks and Liars for the links to this.Saturday, November 17, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
I Gotta Figure Out How To Set Up A SuperPac
Damn, people give you money and after the election you can do whatever the fuck you want with it!!! No wonder there's so many fucking SuperPacs.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
It'll be interesting to see what kind of stupid human tricks the FuckingRepublicans come up!!
As for the show Wipeout, who says slapstick is dead????
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
A Nice Surprise For The Country
After spending millions and failing to buy the White House for RMoney, will the owners of the party take back control from the crazy bible-bangers or will they double down on the crazy and fulfill my fantasy of the party becoming the Whigs of the 21st century.
The Old Lady's Car Battery
Last week when I had the oil & filter changed on The Old Lady's car the battery went tits up. The funny part is the car started after the oil change to check for leaks and then I shut it off and paid the bill. Then it wouldn't start, just made funny noises when I turned the key. They jumped it going with one of those booster packs.
Anywho, I went home and cleaned the terminals and checked to make sure all the cells had water/acid and thought that would do it. (Kicking myself for not checking the cells with a hydrometer as I have two, one with the little balls and an old school one like a big turkey baster that I got for a couple of bucks at a St. Vinnies a few years ago.) Last Monday we were going to go to town for bread and milk and the car wouldn't start, just made the funny noises again. Checked to see if we had any kind of warranty on the battery, turns out even with the "extended warranty" the battery is only covered under the 3yr/36,000 mile original warranty. The car is 3&1/2yrs old and has 56,000 miles on it, so SOL. If I didn't know better, I would think they got their batteries from Wally-World because their NEVERSTART batteries only last a couple of months past the warranty too!!
Took and swapped the battery for the plow out of my Jeep for the car battery and was able to use the car yesterday to go vote. The battery is the same size other than not being quite as tall and the posts were positioned slightly different, but I got it hooked up. (It actually has a 50 more cold cranking amps.) Hopefully the car battery will work to operate the plow on the Jeep as it will be running while it is in use. The car battery has one dead cell, but with the Jeep running all the battery needs to do is keep the cables from shorting out on inner fender.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Winter's Coming
The Old Lady's "weasel" has gone from wanting to go out to spending time next to the stove. I guess that is a sure sign that Winter is coming. Actually it may already be here as the snow we got last week hasn't melted and the ground may be snow covered until some time next Spring.
Friday, November 2, 2012
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Stolen from Ramona |
Pasty, rhymes with nasty, not hasty as those are nipple coverings and usually inedible!!
Made pasties again yesterday and while they don't look as pretty as those from a pasty shop, they turned out OK and taste good.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
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