Monday, April 14, 2014

Here's A Good Cause


  1. Do you think you can make a difference through politics and voting?

  2. I would hope my vote counts, but after 2000 I'm not so sure. Especially now with so many electronic voting machines because anything with a computer chip can be hacked. Here they use the optic scan machines to read the ballot. Those are still possible to be hacked, but you have to do every machine at every polling place. The electronic voting machines all you need is to hack into one and all the others are linked so you can install a program in all of them. Diebold promised Ohio to aWol in 2004, guess who made the voting machines used in Ohio??

  3. I don't have any problem with the voting machines, I just think we can't change and fix things anymore. We never have the right people to vote for. No one like Nan is going to be running, just a bunch of fucking wealthy people that can't really relate to things.

  4. Question, how do those voting machines handle write in votes?

  5. Don't have machines here, they mail us the ballets and we return them to the courthouse. But being on the edge of this country in the boondocks I don't suppose we make any difference anyway.

    Besides, haven't had anybody worth fucking voting for for fucking years now and I don't expect the next crop to be any better.

  6. Don't know how they do write-ins with the voting machines. Georgia has electronic voting machines, but when I voted a few years back, I didn't do a write-in so don't know how it's done.


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