Saturday, November 15, 2014

New York City, Formerly Known As New Amsterdam

One of things that has had me scratching my ass for many years now is why the fuck does the media keep saying "Myanmar formerly known as Burma" or "Myanmar also known as Burma". We are the only country in the world that still calls the country Burma. The country changed its name in 1989 and for a long time the US and UK refused to call it Myanmar. But now we are alone in refusing to just call it Myanmar. The BBC calls it Myanmar, so maybe the UK has given up on the juvenile ploy of adding the aka Burma to the name.

They don't say Sri Lanka formerly known as Ceylon. Or Zimbabwe formerly called Rhodesia. Or Bangladesh formerly know as East Pakistan. So why the fuck do they persist in the Junior High bullshit with the name of the country??

Kinda reminds me of the joke when they decided to switch which side of the road to drive on in Sweden. The conservatives argued that they shouldn't rush into it. First they should let the trucks switch from driving on the left to driving on the right and then after a few months the cars would switch sides!!


  1. Churchill, Stalin and Rosevelt redrew the boundaries and renamed much of the Middle Eastern and Asian countries after the second world war.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  2. No.

    It's just that it doesn't make any fucking sense to me. Also, just how fucking dumb to they think the average American is that they have to keep repeating what the place used to be called. You'd think after a couple years everyone would know the new name.

    Also, it's the only country that they are playing their silly name game with. Can you name another country where 25 years later they are calling it by the former name???

  3. Come on Kulkuri: how dumb can the average Americans be? That is a sarcastic question, isn't it?

    One third of the population thinks dinosaurs and man existed together when the earth began six thousand years ago. And, one half of the country gets its facts from FOX NEWS.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  4. I know, there a bunch of people that think The Flintstones TV show was a fucking documentary!!

  5. Care to guess how many people still refer to Istanbul as Constantinople? It has only been Istanbul since 1453.


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