Monday, March 30, 2015

Not The Magazine I Remember From My Youth

Recently we bought a copy of National Geographic. Saw in big letters on the cover, "War on Science" and thought it might be an interesting article. (Not Really.) The Old Lady noticed how little written content there was and how short the articles were.  (The Old Lady said that even tho' I don't read as fast as she does, I finished reading the magazine very quickly.) I noticed a lack of what was the main draw of the magazine when I was young. No chocolate tits. There used to be articles on tribes in Africa, or South America, or New Guinea

The photo above is an example of what I remember being in National Geographic. Then again with the intratubes there is no need to look at National Geographic to see naked tits.


  1. I have about 6 of them waiting for me to read...I always liked the ones where the aboriginal men had the little cones on their penis's..used to make me laugh.

  2. I've gotten to the age where there isn't much reason to look at tits at all.

  3. Old joke: Jesse Jackson was going to run for president until it was revealed his grandmother had posed nude for National Geographic

  4. When you get done playing with your pecker maybe you can find time for a new post.

  5. Haven't had internut access for the last two weeks. Will do something after I get caught up.


No Anonymous comments,it's not that hard to think of a nom de plume.