Sunday, February 28, 2016

Twenty-Turd Shithouse Races

Yesterday we drove two hours to Trenary. They were having the Twenty-Turd shithouse races. We had heard about and seen pictures &videos of previous years events. Yesterday was a nice day (got up in the 40s and partly sunny, almost t-shirt weather) so we decided to go and also do some shopping on the way back.

The track.
Usually road crews will try and remove all snow and ice from the roads and streets. There are a few occasions when they will put snow on the streets. UP on the Tundra we have a couple sled dog races and the shithouse races.

I managed to get photos of most of the entries. I think I only missed one because my camera went to sleep.

Before the races began they came down the track tossing out rolls of toilet paper, I guess in case some had to go??

The first racer.
Don't know why, but the races were scheduled to start at 2pm. After about 20 minutes I was muttering, "It's time to get this shit on the road!!" Finally around 2:30 it began.

Not sure what the hell Batgirl was doing there. But she came down the track as you can see in this pic.

Track grooming.
About halfway thru the races they had a couple of snowmobiles groom the track. The Old Lady said that this was one good use for old pallets, not like some of the projects they show where you'd end up with a lot of splitters if you tried doing them.

Holy Shit!!
Da Dapper Crapper.

This one fell apart about a third of the way down the track, but like true troopers they dragged it to the finish line!!

Only one had a driver and he was helping propel it Fred Flintstone style!!

They had a beer tent set up in front of one of the bars. There are two bars side by each!! (That's Yooper talk.) There were several kids making quite a haul picking up the empty beer cans and bottles. A dime apiece adds up pretty quick. Saw a couple kids using a plastic sled to haul their booty.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Something I'm Sick And Tired Of Hearing Lately

 This country has gotten really FUCKED UP in recent years. It used to be MAJORITY RULES, now it is the loudest minority, even if it's a minority of a minority. I'm talking about the Tea-Baggers and the "Evangelical Voters".

Lately all I've been hearing because of the caucuses and primaries is how Iowa and South Carolina are full of "Evangelical Voters"!! They are a minority of a minority, so why should we give a shit about them.

This graph shows the religious make-up of GOP
 The graph shows the "Evangelicals" are only 34% of the FuckingRepublican'ts. Like I said a minority of a minority!!

This shows the FuckingRepublican'ts are a minority.
Actually I'm surprised there are that many that are willing to call themselves FuckingRepublican'ts. No, not really, there are a lot of people that will believe what they hear and never look to see what the fuck the politicians are actually doing!!

So if the "Evangelical Voters" make up a third of a quarter of the voters, WHY THE FUCK SHOULD WE CARE WHAT THE FUCK THEY VOTE FOR OR AGAINST?????????? And why the fuck do they have so much power in today's politics???

For years now I've been saying we should get Big Money out of politics. Now I think we need to get religion out of politics. Nixon started it with his Southern Strategy even tho he was a Quaker (who generally stay out of politics as a group). Then St. Ronnie sucked up to the Bible-Bangers even tho he wasn't really religious, he was just using them.  Now it's the party that is getting used. Old Proverb; "Be careful what you wish for!!"

Now I'm hearing that Trump will tear the party apart, promises, promises!! There are even "Evangelical Voters" voting for him. The party is in disarray these days and I would gladly sit back and watch them self-destruct, just wish they would be quicker about it!! My fondest wish is to live long enough to see the FuckingRepublicant's become the Whigs of the 21st century. Then they would have gone full circle!!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Windows 10 Is Not Ready For Prime Time

A couple weeks ago I took the plunge and upgraded to Windows 10 against the advice of others that had upgraded. Like I said in my previous post on Windows 10 I figured I might as well get used to it now because all confusers from here on out will run that system.

Well, Windows 10 had too many glitches. I had hoped it would help run streaming better when I'm watching TV shows either videos or on occasion something live like football or NASCAR. It didn't, now I'm thinking the problem may be with my internet service. But the worse problems were things like Opera browser would crash a lot. Firefox would have a problem with "script running" and would have to click on the pop-up to kill it. In Windows 7 we had eliminated that!!

Also they had changed the solitaire games, nothing big, just different. Could have lived with that if the fucking games had worked right. Do you know how fucking frustrating it is when the game freezes (for what at times seemed like a minute or two) and you have to wait for it to start again and hope you catch it in time to make the move you have figured out. Or it would start up again for a couple seconds and freeze again before you could make a move!!

Turns out because I had upgraded less than 30 days ago it was easy to go back to Windows 7. All the stuff was still there under the Windows 10 upgrade. Even my score on one of the solitaire games!! In the process of going back it asked why. There were several options to click on and a blank to leave a comment. I clicked on "Windows 7 is more reliable" and left a comment, "When Windows 10 can't even run solitaire games right (freeze), Windows 10 isn't ready for prime time"!!!!!!!

I will keep Windows 7 on this confuser until I need to replace it. Then when I get a new confuser I will have no choice, but may be it will work better when it is the only operating system installed on the confuser. While researching shit about Windows 10 I saw several sites that said the best way to upgrade was to do a "clean install", which means you erase the version you have and then install Windows 10. But if I had done that even if I could have figured out how to do it, I wouldn't have been able to go back to Windows 7 with just a few clicks like I did. It would have meant erasing Windows 10 and then installing Windows 7 from a DVD or something like a flash drive. I did make a recovery disc when I first got this confuser, so I do have Windows 7 on a DVD, but I'm glad I didn't need to go thru all that hassle!!