Wednesday, March 26, 2014

I Found the Perfect Bugout Vehicle

This is the perfect bugout vehicle, you can carry your guns and cases of ammo and with the all terrain tires, go almost anywhere. There might even be room to pack a meal or two. This will come in real handy come the Zombie Apocalypse!!


  1. I seem to recall giving a similar "vehicle" to my niece a couple years ago when she was pregnant. It doesn't look like they actually made many modifications to a typical jogging stroller other than eliminating the seat for the kid.

  2. Nan's right. Just a modified stroller.

  3. Yeah, I know. I'm just doing a little snark on the Preppers!!

  4. I'm hoping that if I have to ever bug out that I can do it with my truck and camper.

  5. You are right, the picture I posted is a Grand Tourismo, still a neat old car though.


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