Friday, September 16, 2011

Time to Take Down the Feeder

Looked out this morning and saw there was ice in the hummingbird feeder.  Guess it's time to take it down and put it away until next year.


  1. K,
    Rejoice! We are moving into fall -
    beautiful colors, crisp mornings,
    Halloween, Thanksgiving, apple cider, and football...


  2. There's a few hummingbird's that stay here year around, or so I've been told.

    They must be tough little buggers. I'm not looking forward to another winter here.

  3. Temperature in Maine 39 tonight, but no ice yet. Used the woodstove for the first time today - it's coming - and I love it.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  4. Yeah, out here on the plain Plains, it's been dropping to mid-thirties at night, and low 50's during the day. About month or so too early. I am going to dig out the snow shovels this weekend, just in case. Oh, did I mention that last week we had two days of 98 degrees. WTF?

  5. I wonder if firewood is getting as hard to get and expensive to get in Maine as it is here. Even though we have millions of trees.


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