Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sidebar Picture

Today I finally got around to changing the picture on my sidebar.  Used to have a welcome to Georgia one (hence the Crackerland reference) and now have a welcome to Michigan one.

What the fuck does "Pure Michigan" mean???  That's some campaign from a few years back to try and entice people to visit and/or relocate to Michigan.  I guess it's better than the previous one, "Yes, Michigan", like you're going to say Fuck No, Michigan????


  1. I thought the U.P. was the most pristine beautiful place that I have ever been. Now, I have been to Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, and Lansing and wasn't at all impressed with the lower peninsula like I was with the area around
    Escanaba, Marquette, the Keewenaw Peninsula, and out towards Lake

  2. my mother used to live in Detroit..she loved it..she used to hang out at a bar that all the newspaper people would hang out..and they would quiz her on sports (mostly baseball) trivia..she was a walking stat quoting machine..they loved her.


No Anonymous comments,it's not that hard to think of a nom de plume.