Sunday, May 19, 2013

What Time Is It??


  1. The only time I stare at the clock and watch time go by is when my wife is getting dressed in the bathroom.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  2. But bless her: the wait is always worth it.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  3. Remember that fear you had that we'd been living together for so long we'd begun thinking alike?

  4. I still pack a watch, it's helpful for knowing when in the hell Helen wants to go somewhere.

  5. My watch battery died three years ago so I depend on my mobile phone. It is the days and dates that are no longer relevant to me.

  6. I used my cell phone to tell time for about a year and then I broke down and bought another watch. Now I have two, but don't always wear one.


No Anonymous comments,it's not that hard to think of a nom de plume.