A couple of months back the switch on our coffee pot died. The Old Lady said to go buy a new one which I did. She wanted me to throw out the old one, but because it only needed a switch, I said I'll hang on to it and take it with me next year when I go UP on the tundra again. It was the same model coffee pot as the one in the camp UP on the tundra and I figured it could be fixed if the other one died.
This morning I had to go for a stress test, so I couldn't have any coffee or anything except a little water. The Old Lady turned on the coffee pot as usual and had her coffee before leaving for work. When I got back home and went to have a cup of coffee and something to eat, the coffee in the pot was barely warm even tho the light on the switch was on. I nuked a cup of coffee and later determined that the pot was indeed dead. I put some water in the reservoir and turned it on. It just sat there with the light on and nothing happened. I dug the old pot out of the closet and took the two pots apart to get at the switches. I put the good switch in the pot with a bad switch. Then I put vinegar in the pot and ran that thru to clean it. After I rinse it, it'll be ready to go in the morning. The ironic part is that now I'll throw out the newer coffee pot.
Usually I have good luck with cheap coffee pots. Many years ago we had a pot with a clock and you could program it to turn itself on so the coffee would be ready when you got up. It lasted a couple of years, so when I went looking for a replacement, I got one that only had an off-on switch and it lasted for almost ten years. Not bad for a pot that I paid 6-7 bucks for. I haven't had as good luck with the recent pots, but the one at the camp is still going and I may still get a few more years out it.