Friday, December 19, 2008

'Tis the Season

Except his birthday was in the summer. But the Xianists needed something to celebrate when they stole the Pagan holiday of Winter Solstice.

H/T to YellowdogGranny for the picture from her Stumbles.


  1. them blood thirsty christians stole all the good pagan holidays and then then kilt' them when they resisted the changes...and my kin folk wanna know why I don't go to church..snort*

  2. them blood thirsty christians stole all the good pagan holidays and then then kilt' them when they resisted the changes...and my kin folk wanna know why I don't go to church..snort*

  3. I'm anti-materialist and a lot of monkeys I know bother me. Especially those that tell me they are not when it's clear that they are lying to themselves.

    Why does everyone think Jesus was a Jew just because he was born into a Jewish family?

    To make a cheap coffee pot last longer don't use the switch, just leave it on. I just unplug mine when I'm not using it.

    I can't wait to go camping next week to get away from all the bullshit I see.

  4. Revisionism started many moons we shop!!

  5. I came, I read, I laughed, I stole, merry xmas, whatever.

  6. My wife (and her family) are going to be seriously pissed that it's all their fault!:)


No Anonymous comments,it's not that hard to think of a nom de plume.