Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Baja Arizona

Looks like there are a few same souls in Arizona.  The bumper sticker above and the excerpt below are from the Tucson Citizen.

An enormous mistake was made on December 30, 1853 when the Gadsden Treaty was signed between the United States and Mexico. The northern part of the Mexican state of Sonora, an area located south of the Gila River, was purchased by the United States, and tacked into what became the State of Arizona.The people of the Gadsden Purchase have increasingly chafed under the domination of an enormous population in an around Phoenix (Maricopa County). In order to end the domination of Phoenix, the people of the Gadsden Purchase are seeking statehood. Proclaiming themselves as Baja Arizona, a “state of mind” is acknowledged to exist.
The primary differences between Baja Arizona and the remainder of Arizona are of attitude and tolerance. The people of Baja Arizona are known throughout the southwest for their enlightened view of the world. This is obviously not the case with the passage of SB 1070 making it illegal to be an illegal in Arizona.


  1. I checked it out here.

    Sounds like a good idea and I expect here are more enlightened areas that would like to be separate states.

    Which category is UP?

  2. I can imagine there are some enlightened areas of Texas that are red-faced most of the time by their idiot governor and the dolts they keep sending to DC.


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