Friday, January 20, 2012


Had just finished looking to see if there was a new episode of "House" available to watch online.  Then went to a joke site and this was the first thing I saw!!


  1. Don't know nothing about "House".

  2. Best show on TV! And that's about the script for every episode, except they left out the grand mal seizures and snarky comments between House and his team.

    Ready for a new episode, myself. Seems like it's been a month or two since one aired!

  3. Don't watch House. More of a "Breaking Bad" fan. Not that I couldn't be both, but well, I try my best to not watch too much TV. I just hang out more here in the internet ether.

  4. Well hell, they left out the obligatory blood spurting from the ears part. Otherwise, right on.

  5. I quit watching after the first season..each show was the same plot, just different people.


No Anonymous comments,it's not that hard to think of a nom de plume.