Monday, June 11, 2012


In a way I can understand the frustration of the Tea-Baggers wanting their country back.  Problem is their version was only a '50s sitcom and not real life.  I would like my country back too, the one where most of the politicians actually tried to make life better for us.  Sure, some of them were only there to line their pockets, but you didn't mind when your pockets got marginally fatter.  What pisses me off is that today they are picking my pocket to line their pockets and the pockets of their cronies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Kulkuri,
    The problem is money - lobbyist travel to the House and the Senate every day with bags full of money.
    Now, this money all comes with no strings attached, Believe that shit,do you?
    We have people like Hatch, Lugar, and McCain who have been up there for over thirty years and on the take from day fcking One!

    How, do they go to Congress with less than $100K liquid and leave as multi millionaires?

    Eliminate the money flow and impliment term limits and we will have democracy restored.


  2. Class warfare....

    We're losing....

    But you can run for office....

  3. Eliminate the money flow and impliment term limits and we will have democracy restored.

    Dream on....

  4. Eliminate the money flow and impliment term limits and we will have democracy restored.
    We need to get rid of the money, but all term limits do is kill the institutional knowledge(We fucking tried that 10yrs ago and it didn't fucking work!!!!). Michigan has term limits and look how fucking well that's working??? We've always had term limits, it's called a ballot box.
    It seems like the ones really pushing for term limits are the ones that think their party can't win otherwise!! At least that's been the history of the term limit movement.


No Anonymous comments,it's not that hard to think of a nom de plume.