Conservatives that is, but not the Rich Bastards. Spent most of yesterday going back and forth with someone on FB who had put up a link declaring "Millions of Rebels Waiting to be Tapped". It was an article about the evils of Healthcare Reform. I made the mistake of commenting, asking if he was going to free himself and give up his "Socialist-Government medical care?? Of course NOT, he claims he earned all three of his medical plans. Then I asked him why he posted the link?? Then he comes back with he can post anything he wants long as it is legal and is only his and God's business. Why bring the mythical being somewhere in the sky into it, all I asked was
"WHY??" In the course of the back and forth he threw this question from out in left field(or in his case, right field), "What does healthcare have to do with selling your house?" At this point I thought he had totally lost it, gone completely around the bend, Full Blown Bat-Shit Crazy. He kept telling me to read the whole bill( why should I waste my time reading something where almost all of it doesn't apply to me and even lawyers would have trouble understanding it)!! Turns out there is a provision in the bill for charging a 3.8% levy on capital gains above the threshold for individuals or couples($250,000 for individuals or $500,000 for couples, that's if they sell something for that much more than they paid for it). After looking around the Intratubes, I finally found what he was talking about and on
Snopes.com found the true skinny on it. I sent him the link on it, said he didn't have to worry about it and asked him to read it. His reply was that he hadn't read my link, but he had read the whole bill and should he only care about things that affect him?? This is what I call being willfully Ignorant!!
Last year he was all pissed off about this plan to tax all financial transactions
HR 4646. Said he didn't want to pay any taxes except sales tax(this from someone whose entire income is from the government)!! Turns out there is a bill to do a 1% tax on all financial transactions except buying and selling stocks. It was introduced by Rep. Chaka Fattah, D-PA. several times the last being in 2010. It had
no, zero, nada, zilch co-sponsors and died in committee because of lack of support. Even tho I pointed this out to him last fall and sent him the link to it on Snopes.com, he still insisted that this would be passed by the Democrats after the election. We all know what happened in the Lame Duck Session and it never came up. My guess is he didn't read that one either,
"Don't confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up . There is not DOUBT in my military mind" The thing that kills me is that even when confronted with the facts they refuse to accept them. The only information that counts is what they hear in their
Government-Hating Circle-Jerk Echo Chamber. Those pesky facts, they seem to have a librul bias. Or is it that the Never-Right deals in innuendo, half-truths and outright lies???
My plan is to ignore him in the future. We Finns have this interesting quirk, when we figure out that arguing with someone is a waste of breath, we stop talking. That doesn't mean you won the argument, it means the person you were arguing with has decided you aren't worth talking to.
It is stories like that which remind me why I stopped reading Facebook. I really didn't have a grasp at how dumb some people really are until I got a FB account. Ooof.
ReplyDeleteuh...I'm your friend on facebook lemmy..hahah
ReplyDeleteyooper? we're fucked if we do, fucked if we don't..
Husband has a similar incident on FB not long ago. Drove him crazy for days.
ReplyDeleteI showed him where the "unfriend" button was :D
I agree with you....I just don't talk to these people, they post this stuff on FB looking for support of their ideas....not a discussion - sad really.
Great blog - BTW
@Frog Queen, I know about the unfriend button. I did that to one last year when she put up a bunch of Anti-Obama Tea-Bagger Bullshit along with an upside flag as her picture. When she asked why, I told her I don't suffer fools gladly and she had proven herself to be a fool. But in this case I think I'll just ignore his bullshit and wait and see if he'll unfriend me. That happened to me before when I asked someone WHY he was against the mosque in NYC.
ReplyDeleteAny way you cut it, America can't afford to keep millions of aging baby boomers alive for as long as they would like to live, and in good comfort to boot.
ReplyDeleteI don't spend much time worrying about it, I just plan on getting dead.
It does baffle me that the blind followers of either side tend to never give facts a chance unless they have been safely filtered through and down to them from their leaders of choice.
ReplyDeleteLook at today's In The Sticks cartoon. Here's a thought, those that don't like how a government ran health care plan is ran can build their own.
ReplyDelete@BBC, the ironic thing is that no matter what happens with healthcare, his will always be run by the government. He is Retarded Navy(after 20yrs you come out retarded) with Champus medical, has VA coverage and next year will be on Medicare.
ReplyDeleteAt least you have enough sense to quit arguing. I usually don't.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing worse than losing a pissing match with a skunk is winning.
Kulkuri, you just described the reason I divorced FB and took up blogging. I had gone to Facebook on a lark, baited in by friends who said it was fun and would help me connect with old friends I'd lost track of... Now, I already know where my old friends are, and if had wanted to keep track of the others I wouldn't have done my best over the past twenty five years to avoid them like herpes...
ReplyDeleteBut I relented, signed up, got an account, and started to have fun, just like they said I would. I even reconnected with a couple of stoner buds I'd lost in the haze, and it seemed like I'd been wrong about this social networking thingie. Then a troll began to post on my wall, like spray painted graffiti from a really bad artist... every post of mine that was political in nature would devolve into a horrible squawking match of rightwingnuttery and my take from the reality based universe, and it soon became a time-suck. Hours spent trying to educate a willfully ignorant Faux News disciple.
Despite a second FB page that helped my photography biz and connected me to folks who have given me photo ops with wildlife on their farms and land, I decided to dump FB before I had a complete meltdown over this troll.
They say if you try to teach a pig to whistle, you'll not only waste your time but annoy the pig.
You can't fix stupid, and some folks just can't be helped. My theory is that if ignorance is bliss, they should be a lot happier.
Glad I found your site, hope you'll check out mine when you have time!
Squatlo (bob)
So lets get this straight.
ReplyDeleteObamacare is something that I'll just have to deal with regardless of whether it uses the force of government to punish me for utilizing my RIGHT to opt out of it only because a leftist like you deems it in my best interest?
My freedom to choose is in my best interest! You have no freedom to dictate to me what my choices should be!
If your ideals held water, would you need to use the force of government to enforce them?
If your ideals were to everyone's benenfit, would you need to have waited for a leftist government to force them on everyone?
And if your ideals are so great, why have they failed everyplace else?
A funny difference between leftists and conservatives is the fact that conservatives don't seem to create laws that FORCE free people to do anything they don't agree with!
Leftism's power relies on force, coercement and penalties for non-compliance.
I LIVED in both communist AND socialist countries during my lifetime.
I suggest you go try it BEFORE pushing it on anyone else to live under.
Bet you wouldn't if you had the chance...because in America you do have the option to go experience it...but 99.9% of liberals are too chickenshit to give up their constitutional rights they have protecting them in America and put their money where their mouths are and go live under their own belief system!
At least you'll have a place to return to when you find out you've been duped into the B.S!
Obamacare is something that I'll just have to deal with regardless of whether it uses the force of government to punish me for utilizing my RIGHT to opt out of it only because a leftist like you deems it in my best interest?
ReplyDeleteThe mandate to buy insurance was put in at the insistance of the insurance companies and those on the right, then those on the right didn't vote for it anyway. So you really like being 37th in the world when it comes to health care, behind Costa Rica and Cuba?
If your ideals were to everyone's benenfit, would you need to have waited for a leftist government to force them on everyone?
Where you say "leftist government" I would say religion!!
Bet you wouldn't if you had the chance...because in America you do have the option to go experience it...but 99.9% of liberals are too chickenshit to give up their constitutional rights they have protecting them in America and put their money where their mouths are and go live under their own belief system!
If I could I would move to Finland in a heartbeat. That's a country that ranks at the top of the list in almost category: business climate, education, least corrupt, you name it. I'm always amused by rightwingers who rant about the failures of progressive government while ignoring the fact the countries that are doing the best right now, both economically and in terms of the wellbeing of their citizens, are way "left" of the US. The French live longer than us, the German economy is stronger -- just where are those "failures" other than the collapsed soviet states?
As for you living your beliefs, if you don't like paying taxes and being part of a community, MOVE TO SOMALIA!!!
My freedom to choose is in my best interest! You have no freedom to dictate to me what my choices should be!
ReplyDeleteHearing a conservative whine about "freedom of choice" is just hilarious. Please, stop before I spit up more coffee.
Your entire ideology stands in the way of freedom of choice for women and minorities all over. Shut up.
If your ideals held water, would you need to use the force of government to enforce them?.
If your ideals held any water, we wouldn't need to have the government force you to treat minorities such as women and homosexuals equal.
A funny difference between leftists and conservatives is the fact that conservatives don't seem to create laws that FORCE free people to do anything they don't agree with!
What planet are you living on? Conservatives don't force laws and their own twisted morality on folks? Seriously?