Friday, January 30, 2009
Salmonella&EColi = Conservative Legacy
"The action came after federal officials discovered this month that the company, Peanut Corporation of America, knowingly shipped products contaminated with salmonella 12 times in 2007 and 2008, prompting a congresswoman to call yesterday for a criminal investigation by the Justice Department."
"But yesterday's move expands the recall to all peanut products that came out of the Blakely plant since Jan. 1, 2007. Federal officials said they do not know how many consumer products will be affected."
"The inspection reports, made public yesterday by the FDA, detail mold growing on a ceiling, rainwater leaking into the production area from skylights, gaps in the building where rodents could enter, dead roaches and inadequate ventilation, among other defects."
"The last time the FDA inspected the plant was in 2001, officials said yesterday. In 2006, the agency contracted inspections to the Georgia Department of Agriculture. State inspectors visited the plant about twice a year, but in 2008 they did not check for salmonella. The state inspection reports all seemed to play down deficiencies, saying all that was needed was routine follow-up."
All of us have heard of 'Doctor Shopping' by now, well this company went Lab Shopping. Whenever they found salmonella in their in-house testing they would send samples out to labs until they got a report back from one that said there was no salmonella. Instead of fixing the problem, they tried to fix the tests!!
All this reminds me of when I worked as a tester in Quality Control Lab (in name only) thirty five years ago in a factory that made ceiling tile. They were having problems meeting the Underwriters Laboratory's fire rating on one of their mineral fiber lay-in ceiling panels. The Plant Superintendent was talking about the problem with the head of the Lab. He kept saying that maybe the problem was the procedure for the tests and that they needed to look at the procedures. One of the inspectors was in the lab and said, "I know what the procedure is. If it is more than 3 pallets, sell it!!" The head of the lab turned to the Plant Superintendent and said, "I didn't tell him a thing."
Now it is one thing for a company to make a product that is border line on a fire rating and could at some time affect someone if a fire were to occur and something totally different for a company to knowingly ship a product they know is contaminated with salmonella to be put in the food that people eat!!!!!!
This is the Conservative Legacy at its finest. Keep cutting taxes and underfunding all the safeguards for the people in this country. You get what you pay for and you also get it in the end when you don't pay for it!!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Another Meme
The Rules:
1. Go to the 4th folder in your computer where you store your pictures.
2. Pick the 4th picture in that folder.
3. Explain the picture.
4. Tag 4 people to do the same.

I don't feel like inflicting this on anyone else, so I won't, but if anyone wants to do it, feel free to do so!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The Murse
H/T to Tracy at Possumliving for the video.
The latest in men's accessories. Now men can carry everything they need without their pockets bulging!!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Overused And Misused Phrase
I don't just object to aWol being referred to as Commander-In-Chief, I also object to Obama being called that too. The President is Commander-In-Chief to less than 1 million people and we have over 300 million people in this country. Only the military has a Commander-In-Chief, the rest of us have a President!!!
Monday, January 26, 2009
What's a Hodag??
Lawn Mower Dragster
H/T to knikked for the link to YouTube videos of Red Green.
This area isn't civilized, nobody carries The Red Green Show on TV. Red Green has more ways to use duct tape than the Duct Tape Guys who wrote the book, "the jumbo Duct Tape book".
"If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy." "Keep your stick on the ice"!!
Friday, January 23, 2009

I like signs that are contradicting.

Who eats the kids for free?? Is that where the hog's breath comes from??

Found this on a Navy wife's blog. I clicked on it and went to the site for the magnets and then put it on my blog's sidebar.
This has been my thoughts on the magnets ever since they became an epidemic on cars. Just slap a magnet on your car and your conscience is clear. No fuss, no muss.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Mixed Marriage
Someone a lot smarter than me said that while it is impossible to prove there is a god, it is also impossible to prove there isn't. Religious people are sure there is a god and Atheists are just as sure there isn't. Me, I not sure, so I will continue to have my doubts.
In searching the intratubes, I have found there are quite a few different kinds of Agnostics including The Universal Church Triumphant of the Apathetic Agnostic whose motto is: "We don't know and we don't care".
The reason I say I'm a Born-Again Agnostic is because we are all born agnostic and have to be taught what to believe. For awhile I was taught to be a Lutheran, but later after learning more about religions in general and the Xian one in particular, I figured out that all of them are made up by men, some religions began thousands of years ago when superstitions abounded. After I learned the Xianist religion stole everything from others and used ancient holidays of Pagans and others for their own purposes to suck people into their particular cult, I decided I wanted no part of that and am therefore a Born-Again Agnostic!!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
More Summer Projects

Nailing up all the pieces for the framework was a pain with all the climbing up and down the ladder. I had a pneumatic nailer to nail on the plywood and decided to use aluminum to cover the fascia as it won't need painting again in my lifetime. If the aluminum gets to where it looks like it needs to be painted, it'll need to be replaced but not by me.
I only worked a few hours a day on this and some days not at all. It's not like I had to hurry to get it done to get paid.

It is still not done as I need to put the pieces that wrap over the edge of the roof from the peak down to the lower eaves. That should prove to be interesting.

When you mix pictures with words, it is a pain in the ass to get it the way you want. It'll look good in blogger and when you post it, it can be totally different.
The Lie That Won't Die
As much revisionist history as has been puked out in recent months, can you imagine how the Busheviks would have rewritten history if they had access to the previous administrations computers??? It boggles the mind, but only those that think, Dittoheads don't have a clue until they are told what to think.
Librul Media my ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Old Lady has commented on all the punctuation marks I use, but what the hell, they are cheap!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Finally A Truthfull Ad
H/T to WTF is it now??? for the picture.

Here's My Cabinet

panels in the doors. The rest is wood I had, I always have scrap pieces because you never know when you need just a little piece of wood.

If it was a car, I would say it is a good 50 footer.(It looks good from 50 ft.) I made some mistakes but was able to hide most of them except the ones in the finish. (When I worked at one carpenter job we would joke about how the company motto was; "Fuck it, trim will cover it".)
Countdown Clock
Monday, January 19, 2009
Rant; Kolmas Osa
At the time I thought Nixon was an aberration, turns out he was the norm. As a matter of fact the current crop in his party has almost completely rehabilitated him. Not that anything about what Nixon did has changed or is seen in a better light, but that what has happened since his time by the leaders of his party is so much worse. At least Nixon did a few good things for this country like signed the law creating the EPA, which his party ever since has tried to destroy. He also signed the law for Earned Income Tax Credit for low income workers, and again his party has tried to kill it and failing that his party in Congress has funded and instructed the IRS to concentrate their audits to those claiming EITC instead of going after the large tax cheats.
As for the current crop (which I like to refer to as the Newt Gingrich Era [1994-Present]) they have spent their time working to make life harder for those on the lower end of the income scale and rewarding the Uber-Rich and Mega-Corporations (you know that Military Industry Complex that Ike warned us about) are the ones receiving largesse from the government coffers. Of course if they think that government is the problem, then they have no qualms about stealing from the government. They are constantly punishing the poor and rewarding the rich.
They claim they are strong on defense when in reality they are strong in their support of the defense contractors. An example would be the aircraft carrier that Trent Lott pushed thru against the wishes of the Navy because it would be built in his state. Another, after the Iraq War started and they wanted to retain people in the military, aWol only wanted the officers to get a pay raise to keep pilots from going to civilian flying jobs. They just don't give a shit about the troops, which has me scratching my ass why the VFW and American Legion still support them and invite them to speak at their conventions. (That's why I won't join. )
The cartoon below pretty much sums up my feelings. There is one exception, I am all in favor of the plan I've heard about in recent years to put up statues of St. Ronnie in every county in the country. As long as it is privately funded, I am whole-heartedly in favor of it. If they do put up one in front of the courthouse in every county, it will be a short trip to take the children and grandchildren to show them the person that FUCKED us!! While we are at it we need to change the name of the airport in DC back to Washington National Airport. When they pushed the name change thru saying it wasn't named for a president yet, my thought was WHAT THE FUCK??? It was named for George Washington -- the architect who planned the original terminal even used Mount Vernon as an inspiration for his design. It was an insult to the flying public and those that work in the aviation industry after what St. Ronnie did to the air traffic controllers.

Sunday, January 18, 2009
More About My Extreme Dislike For The Bastards
Nixon's actions put my life at risk as I was in the military at the time. Luckily I never got sent to 'Nam, but by keeping the war going, it left the door open for me to get orders for 'Nam.
St. Ronnie interfered with the Tehran Hostage negotiations in order to help him get elected. The fact that the hostages were released after Ronnie was sworn in is not a coincidence. Then he sold arms to Iran to finance his illegal war in Central America. And Daddy Bush was right in there up to his eyeballs but he pardoned everyone that could implicate him in the treason!!
Then we have the current Asshole who will be sent packing in a couple of days, the hours are down to 2 digits. aWol started two needless wars which have killed over 4000 in Iraq and a bunch in Afghanistan. It would have been possible to negotiate for Osama if those running the show in the White House hadn't wanted to play with all those neat military toys and try to bomb Afghanistan back to the stone age. (Hell, they were there to begin with!!) Then he invaded Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9/11, just to prove he was a bigger man than his daddy!!
And all the while these and other Assholes in the party are claiming they are Pro-Life!! They go all ballistic over a wad of come in some broad's twat but don't give a shit about those already living and breathing.
And now for those who are still willing to support that party with its indifferent leaders then go right ahead, but don't expect me to drink your Kool-Aid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Still Seething After All These Years
my eyes are wide open and have been at least since I was old enough to vote and that is why my hatred is so strong. I know what the FuckingRepublicans have done to me and others who have to work for a living and that is why they are FuckingRepublicans or Repugnicans or Repukes!! What really pisses me off lately is all the revisionist history since the election like blaming Barney Frank and Dodd for the financial mess. What caused this latest mess (remember the Savings and Loan Scandal [when's the last time anyone saw a Savings and Loan]) is decades of the FuckingRepublicans eliminating rules and regulations on financial industry and when they are in power of placing people in charge of agencies whose agenda is to remove regulations and cripple the agencies that are supposed to oversee banks etc. to protect the consumer. While most of the blame I heap on the Repukes, I also blame the Democrats for being enablers for all these years, going back to the Sixties.
For over forty years I have been hearing from the NeverRight-Wing that the Vietnam War was the fault of Kennedy and Johnson. I know better, when I was in the military I learned from talking to old Lifers that we had people in 'Nam helping the French leave and then taking over fighting the Viet Cong covertly(no insignia on uniforms or no uniforms and no ID's) and this was all when Ike was Pres. Kennedy made it open and called them advisers and Johnson upped the ante (because if he didn't he would get crucified by the FuckingRepublicans as weak against those dirty Commies and we would be fighting them in Long Beach if we pulled out of 'Nam) when he still had hopes of getting re-elected in '68. Because I didn't want to become cannon fodder, I had to change my plans. Originally I was going to go in the Army and learn to be a heavy equipment operator and come back home and build roads and highways, but because of the build-up in 'Nam I chose another branch of the military because I didn't have a daddy who would get me a safe gig in the Guard like aWol or Quayle!! (If I knew then what I know now, I would have gone across the lake to Canada.)
Now for a number of years I have been hearing from various sources that the buying power of workers wages peaked in 1973 and have been going steadily downhill since. (If someone told me in 1973 when I was making less than $4 an hour that this is as good as it gets, I would have told them they are insane!!) Why?? Because one party has been constantly been fighting raising the Minimum Wage and doing their damnedest to kill the unions like St. Ronnie did to the air traffic controllers. Does this sound like Class Warfare?? Of course it is, the Rich started it centuries ago and have been winning all along!!! The only time Class Warfare gets mentioned is when the poor fight back and then it is used to put them back down in their place.
This is just a few of my reasons for wanting that party to become the Whigs of the 21st Century. What I don't understand is how they can get people with a couple of wedge issues like abortion and guns to vote against their own best interests. Just like their southern strategy to get the Rednecks to vote for them by implying they will make it worse for the blacks.
I don't spend every waking moment fixating on this or stewing about the Assholes, but when it comes up my blood pressure and bile rise!!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
How Stupid Does the Reich-Wing Think We Are??
This video shows that George Bush tried to warn Congress in 2002 that this economic crisis was coming, if something was not done. But congress refused to listen, along with Barney Franks.
This video says it all.
Also that the liberal AMERICAN media did not want this video on You Tube, so they had Time Warner threaten a law suit (proprietary rights) if it was not taken off.This link is of the same video but is routed through Canada . Everyone in America needs to see this!
I clicked on the link and was treated to Bret Hume of Faux Noise. So I hastily fired off a reply that said:
Faux News is not a valid source for anything other than TheNeverRightWingNut Propaganda!!
Now I probably shouldn't have been so quick to shoot from the hip or is it the lip? While I will watch some things on Fox like sports (Nascar and Football) and some of the prime time shows like Bones and House, if they claim it is news then it has no credibility with me. Here is what happened to a couple of reporters for Fox in Florida. They discovered that Bovine Growth Hormone was secretly added to almost all dairy cows in Florida and most of the rest of the country. After Monsanto sent Fox two letters the management pressured the reporters to change their news report. They wrote up a report with what the station's lawyer told them to say, but they also stated that it was false and were fired. The order for them to lie or be fired came from the top, Roger Ailes. After one of the reporters won $400,000 in a whistle blower law suit (the other had written about it in a blog and so violated confidentiality agreement in his contract). Fox later said it did nothing wrong in firing the one and the other was awarded the money because she was fired after threatening to go to the FCC. Turns out the FCC has rules about falsifying news reports.
The other thing is that this video was about what supposedly happened in 2002. In 2002 Barney Franks as a Democrat couldn't get a bill debated in the House let alone get one passed. But he? is responsible for the financial mess today. Who was in charge of all three branches of the government in 2002?? Answer; IT WAS THE FUCKINGREPUBLICANS!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know if the person who sent the Dittohead e-mail to me reads my blog or not, but if he does, I have one thing to say to him. I thought you were a lot smarter than that!!!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Hyvää päivää
Utah Savage was wondering what a Yooper is and where is Crackerland?? Hint; Yoopers live above the Bridge and Trolls live below the Bridge. Crackerland; think Lester Maddox and axe handles during the civil rights days.
Näkemiin. That's goodbye or more literally "See Ya".
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Rusty Chevrolet
I like how in the beginning of the video the guy is using a metal detector to find his car!! I have had some cars like the one in the video and still have a rusty truck UP on the tundra.
Yesterday I came across my copy of the book "You Know You're a Real Yooper When...." by Da Yoopers and that got me to thinking about Da Yoopers and other things UP on the tundra. Da Yoopers do some funny stuff, one of my favorites is "Second Week of Deer Camp"
What The Hell is a Meme Anyway??
Lisa at That's Why is the one that tagged me.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Rules
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
1. I'm a newby at this, not very confuser literate and blogging less than a year.
2. This is not at all like the post I was thinking about before I logged on this morning.
3. There was a link in the comment on my blog where I found out about this meme and I don't for the life of me know how to put a link in a comment!! On my blog yes, in a comment no.
4. I have been to 49 of the 50 states and DC and 3 other countries.
5. English is my second language and am now trying to learn enough Spanish to talk to the clerks at the carniceria across the street.
6. Right now I am wracking my brain if I know 6 other bloggers to tag?
Now for those unlucky enough to get tagged by me.
Mathman at When Will I Use This?
Nan at All The Good Names Were Taken.
Utah Savage at Utah Savage.
Yellowdog Granny at Yellowdog Granny.
Dan'l at The Future Was Yesterday.
Dave at Dave Dubya's Freedom Rants.
Now I have to go and announce to the tagger that the taggee is done!!
Comment Moderation
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Winchell's Donuts
I know The Old Lady would like the Cappuccino and that Chorizo Ranchero is looking good to me.
I looked at their locator and found that the farthest East they are is Oklahoma and Kansas. Damn!!
Dunkin' Donuts
While I have frequented Dunkin' Donuts in the past and had no complaints, I will not go to this one again. After two strikes, I am not willing to go for the third one.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Electric Skateboard
The Kantele is stringed instrument with anywhere from 5 to 40 strings. Usually acoustical but there are also electrically amplified ones. According to sources in Finland Anttu Koistinen is making a name for himself playing his electric Kantele. When he started playing, my first thought was that it looked like he was playing an electric skateboard.
In Finland's national epic, Kalevala, the magician Väinämöinen makes the first kantele from the jawbone of a giant pike and a few hairs from Hiisi's stallion. The music it makes draws all the forest creatures near to wonder at its beauty. Later, after losing and greatly grieving his kantele, Väinämöinen makes another one from a birch, strung with the hair of a willing maiden, and its magic proves equally profound. It is the gift the eternal sage leaves behind when he departs Kaleva at the advent of Christianity.
The gig in the Grand Finn Fest 2005, Marquette, Michigan, USA from Anttu Koistinen on Vimeo.
The sound on this video isn't anywhere near as good as it was in person. Might be the little speakers on this confuser or they weren't able to make a good recording under the conditions in the ice hockey arena. Looks like it was done with a hand held videocam. The crowd loved his performance and at the end of the video you will hear them cheer!!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Gun Control
The gun-rights advocates have their own contradictions, though. As a group, they have failed to explain why, if they despise government power, they consistently vote for a political party that has claimed government authority over decisions like abortion rights, religion, and marriage rights. Few gun-rights proponents address the attacks on civil rights made by the current Republican administration, or explain why those attacks shouldn't matter when it's time to endorse a Republican candidate for president. Although gun rights and social conservatism may appeal to the same kinds of people, they are actually two opposing ideas. To hold them both smacks of a citizen who does not really value liberty at all, but wants a government empowered to enforce his or her values on everyone else. How is this different from the way gun-control advocates want only their values respected?
Single-issue gun-rights voters are especially destructive when it comes to environmental issues. Year after year, Republican politicians swear allegiance to the Second Amendment, an act that costs them nothing, but guarantees the gun vote. Then they support measures to exploit, degrade, and even sell off the public lands and waters that hunters and fishermen depend on. Neither the NRA nor the gun voters themselves do anything to protest this. The gun vote has gone to anti-environment politicians for so long now that millions of non-hunting American no longer associate hunters with conservation, despite the fact that sportsmen have painstakingly restored wildlife and habitat, rivers and lands, with their gun and ammunition tax dollars, their license fees and waterfowl stamps. This will eventually backfire on gun owners — and on conservationists. In a society increasingly disconnected from nature and hunting, with places to shoot growing increasingly scarce, fewer citizens grow up in a traditional gun culture. That means fewer hunters will fund assets like the Federal Wildlife Refuge system, and fewer shooters will respond to future, inevitable challenges to the Second Amendment.
Here is what I find very interesting: Year after year, Republican politicians swear allegiance to the Second Amendment, an act that costs them nothing, but guarantees the gun vote. Then they support measures to exploit, degrade, and even sell off the public lands and waters that hunters and fishermen depend on. Neither the NRA nor the gun voters themselves do anything to protest this. The gun vote has gone to anti-environment politicians for so long now that millions of non-hunting American no longer associate hunters with conservation, despite the fact that sportsmen have painstakingly restored wildlife and habitat, rivers and lands, with their gun and ammunition tax dollars, their license fees and waterfowl stamps. This will eventually backfire on gun owners — and on conservationists. I know, I know, this is repeated from the above paragraph.
What I don't understand is the NRA's total opposition to any and all gun laws. A number of guns have been banned for a lot longer than the current uproar over banning certain guns. Example; nobody without a special license can own a fully automatic firearm. If their point is that the public needs to be armed to fight off the government if it turns on them, then they need more than guns. They will need anti-tanks weapons and stinger missiles to name just two.
The thing that I don't understand is that the Pro-Gun types are voting for those that are doing their damnedest to destroy the environment and we will be left with nothing to hunt or fish.